Time difference Taiwan

The time difference is +7 hours in winter and +6 hours in summer. When it is 12h in Paris, it is 19h in Taipei in winter and 18h in summer.

Opening hours Taiwan

To see / To do Taiwan

Most of Taipei's historic sites open from 9am to 6pm; in the provinces, hours may vary depending on the number of visitors and the season. The temples usually remain open in the evening, so that the faithful can come to pray after work. As for the national parks, they are open 24 hours a day, even if some attractions close in the early evening. During the week, most of the sites are quiet and rarely visited; on the other hand, weekend days can see large crowds.

Enjoying yourself Taiwan

Most restaurants are open all day, but close relatively early (around 9:30pm). Upscale establishments generally close between lunch and dinner services.

Take a break Taiwan

Festive bars and restaurants open at around 6pm and close at around 1 or 2am. On weekends, the party sometimes goes on until late at night (3 or even 4 in the morning). Happy hours are usually offered in the early evening. On weekends, popular places in Taipei fill up and it can be difficult to find a table to sit at.

(To) please yourself Taiwan

The shops open in the late morning, usually from 11am and close in the early evening (9.30pm during the week and 10pm at weekends). Most shops are open on Sundays. The mini-markets (7/Eleven, Family Mart, etc.), are open 24/7.

Get out Taiwan

The city's clubs and discos are open most of the time from 10pm to 4am, Wednesday to Saturday.