
Every day, new animal species disappear. In question? The devastation made by human beings in their places of life. Several associations, such as WWF, are taking action to protect them: do not hesitate to help them by taking part. The world of tourism is also evolving and shipments to the discovery of these endangered animals are increasing, allowing travelers to realize the problem. Here is a list (unfortunately not exhaustive) of the species to be observed on travel, before it is too late…

N ° 10 - Europe's mink

Patrick Gijsbers

Formerly present throughout Europe, Europe's minon is now visible on the south Atlantic coast of France, Spain and the Danube Delta. The destruction of the wetlands where this small animal lives has contributed to its gradual disappearance. It has also often been confused with America's vison, which is considered to be harmful to crops, and is being driven intensely.

# 9 - California Condor


With its 2.90 m wide, California Condor is one of the world's largest birds. He went off extinction in 1980 when there were only about ten people in the wild. Thanks to captive breeding, the species has been saved but is still very threatened. 

N ° 8 - Philippine cacatosis

foto Voyager

A species that was spread over fifty years ago, the Philippines' cacatosis is now in critical danger of extinction. Only 1,000 people would have remained… The reduction in its natural environment, but especially the numerous catches of chicks to resell them in the pet market, contributed to its extinction. You can admire them in the protected areas of the islands of Palawan and Rasa.

# 7 - Hump Whale


Major travelers, present in most oceans, the humpback whales are at permanent risk. Marine traffic, pollution and various oil spills are damaging their natural habitat. They were also hunted for a long time to make cosmetic products. Today, they are protected and efforts have paid off since their situation has been somewhat less alarming in recent years.

# 6 - Polar Bear

André Anita

The king of the ice is struggling to stay… Global warming gradually destroys its natural habitat and the Arctic ice cover is shrinking, irremediably. Yet scientists remain confident because DNA studies have shown that polar bears, over the last 600,000 years, have always managed to survive warm and cold weather in climate history. Let's cross your fingers! To meet them, direction the North: from Alaska to Siberia through Canada or Greenland.  

# 5 - Bengal Tiger


Majesome, the Bengal tiger is threatened. The very high value of its fur in Asia and the medicinal virtues of some of these organs make it a victim of poaching. Today, there are only 4 000 Bengal tigers on the planet, and this is the most represented tiger species! Imagine! To observe them, direction Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Nepal and Northern India.

N ° 4 - Java Rhinoceros


It was once the most widespread rhinoceros, today it is among the most endangered mammals in the world. Extinct in the wild since 2010, there are now only 40 individuals present in Ujung Kulon National Park, Java, Indonesia. A sad outcome caused in part by poachers who shot the rhinoceros for the potential medicinal virtues of their horn.

N ° 3 - Asia Elephant


If it is the subject of all venerations, the Asian elephant is in danger… on the contrary! Used according to man's needs, it was in turn a means of locomotion, war machine and now a walking tool for tourists. Hunted for its meat and ivory, the elegant pachyderm disappears day after day. To meet him, head to the Asian continent and especially Borneo where his status is very critical.  

# 2 - Gorilla

Lee Ann White

This giant primate lives in the equatorial forests of the west and central Africa. If no action is taken, it is likely that all species of gorilla will disappear within fifty years. Ebola is a real scourge for the species, but deforestation and poaching are their main enemies. The meat of "bush" is unfortunately the subject of real traffic worldwide.  

# 1 - Orang-outan


Very close to man, brilliantly intelligent, Orang-outyear is in critical danger. The carnage of deforestation, especially due to the massive use of palm oil by food plants, decimated this great monkey of forests. Over the last hundred years, 90% of its population has disappeared. To observe these fascinating primates, visit Sumatra or Borneo.