Time difference Philippines

The time between Manila and Paris is +6 hours in summer and +7 hours in winter. When it's midday in Paris (in summer), it's 6 p.m. in Manila.

Opening hours Philippines

To see / To do Philippines

Outside Manila and Cebu, there are few museums in the Philippines. These are generally open from Tuesday to Sunday, 9am to 5pm. Leisure parks are often open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. every day. Marine and nature reserves, caves and waterfalls follow the same opening hours when an entrance fee is charged.

National holidays. January1, Chinese New Year (late January-early February), Holy Thursday and Good Friday in April, June 12 (Independence Day), November1 and 30, Christmas Day (December 25), December 30 (Rizal Day) and December 31.

Enjoying yourself Philippines

In tourist areas, most restaurants are open 7 days a week, and reservations are not required (unless you're traveling in a group). Filipinos are wont to say that they eat "only once a day": that is, they start at breakfast and don't stop until evening, as they snack a lot, grab a snack or two at the sari-sari, or stop at the street-food stalls. In fact, your meals will be taken a little earlier than in France: between 6.30 and 8 a.m. for breakfast, 12 and 1 p.m. for lunch and 6 and 7 p.m. for dinner. Most guesthouses and hotels with their own restaurants close their kitchens at around 8pm-9pm.

Take a break Philippines

Most cafes and coffee shops are open daily between 7am and 10pm.

Bars are generally open every day from 5pm to 2am or later.

Happy hours exist in the big cities like Manila, Cebu or Davao. It is usually from 4 or 5 pm to 7 or 8 pm.

(To) please yourself Philippines

Shoppingmalls are generally open every day from 10am to 9pm. The same applies to supermarkets. Smaller shops, such as souvenir or clothing stalls, have more variable opening hours, but in general, in tourist areas, they are also open every day between 9am or 10am and 7pm. To buy souvenirs, markets are a very good option. Every town has at least one. Opening times vary, from daily to weekly (weekends) to occasional.

Get out Philippines

Nightclubs and clubs are concentrated in the cities. Opening hours are often from 10 p.m. to 3 a.m. or later. Karaoke bars, very popular in the Philippines, have the same opening hours.