Whether you stay in a hotel, a holiday residence, a campsite or a house or apartment you rent, the cleanliness and proper functioning of the place where you are going to pack your bags is an important element in order to have a good holiday. However, it can happen that some disruptive elements upset the good course of a stay: they are called pests. Bedbugs, cockroaches and other rodents can sometimes invite themselves into the houses and play with our nerves. For tourism professionals, as well as for people who own rented accommodation, it is important to adopt the right reflexes in order to get rid of these unwanted animals and find a serene home. And don't worry, that's what professionals are there for!

Get rid of bed bugs

The bed bug is a small insect that is visible to the naked eye if you look closely. It feeds mainly on human blood and hides in floor cracks and beds. The problem with this pest is that it causes small, often painless red pimples in humans and, in addition, it reproduces in numbers since a female can lay between 200 and 500 eggs depending on the blood she ingests and the warmth of the room in which she finds herself. It also moves very easily from room to room and when you have slept in a room where you can find it, you are likely to take them home and then they will invade the rooms of your own home. When a holidaymaker reports the presence of bed bugs in the room he occupied during his stay, it is advisable for the owner of the accommodation to call upon a professional who will treat the rooms where the bed bugs are located, in order to guarantee the comfort of the future occupants. There are several methods to get rid of bed bugs and prevent them from profiling and invading other rooms and rooms. One thing is certain, contacting a professional is very useful, even essential because he will know how to use the right insecticides or a heat treatment, based on cold or hot steam, in order to effectively rid the rooms concerned of these unwanted small flat, brown and oval-shaped insects

Saying goodbye to cockroaches

This is what happened: a holidaymaker reported the presence of cockroaches in the accommodation or room he occupies. They are fairly large, oval-shaped and brownish insects and the most important thing to remember is that they like to live in a group and love to go out at night. So when you see them, it's inevitable that there are dozens more in different parts of the dwelling. Some females reproduce in numbers, several thousand per year. They are often found in the kitchen and bathroom because they like damp and warm rooms. In the kitchen, the cockroach contaminates the dishes, attacks the food and takes refuge in household appliances. Finding cockroaches in a dwelling does not mean that it is dirty, there are several reasons that can lead them to a dwelling. They may come from a nearby apartment or a person may have left some because they had some hidden in their clothes. In any case, they must be easily disposed of, because in addition to the risk of their rapid proliferation, they can cause diseases such as salmonellosis, gastroenteritis or parasitic diseases. If it is necessary to be vigilant beforehand and to fill all cracks, remove water traces or remove all traces of food, as soon as we are informed of the presence of cockroaches in a dwelling, it is necessary to contact a professional without delay in order to proceed to an effective treatment. The professional uses different methods to rid the home of cockroaches: it may be a smoke treatment, the application of insecticides in powder or suspension form or the application of insecticides by nebulization or spraying. It is important to seek professional advice as they have an applied knowledge of the right products and methods as well as the techniques that best suit the housing concerned and its configuration

Goodbye rodents

When a rodent is present in a dwelling or in the garden, it is usually very easily noticed because of their size. As mammals, they are much larger than insects. Rats and mice are found to talk only about themselves in rural areas, but also increasingly and for a long time in urban areas, as they have understood that food is omnipresent. And this is what they come to look for in the houses, food and shelter. They organize expeditions, often at night, to bring all kinds of food back to their nest. They enter homes through small holes or cracks in walls and like dark, hidden places such as the back of refrigerators or under sofas, beds or radiators. Beyond the fact that the presence of rodents in a home quickly awakens some phobias, they attack cables, sheaths and electrical wires, which can cause breakdowns and are also vectors of diseases for humans and pets. Examples include tetanus, pasteurellosis, leptospirosis and streptobacillosis. Not to mention that they too reproduce generously. It is therefore advisable in accommodation that welcomes tourists to take some precautions such as filling the holes with concrete and protecting the food by preventing crumbs from lying around. If rodents are already present in the dwelling, it is essential to consult a professional who will carry out a deratting. As a professional, he will inspect the parts and determine the type of rodents present. It is also in possession of very active products that are not sold commercially and that have new formulas that are resistant to the resistance developed by some rodents. Opting for a professional is therefore the guarantee of an effective result. There is no longer any need to hesitate to find a healthy place.