For some, retirement is not an easy step. You end a rhythm that you have had for several decades, the ties with those who used to do the daily routine at work can gradually unravel, and you end up with time to keep busy. However, having time for oneself is also a real chance. We devote ourselves to various activities that we didn't have the opportunity to do before, to sports, to artistic practices and also to travelling! Retirement, when you think about it, is the ideal time of life to go to other lands, discover other cultures, and simply have the good time that everyone deserves.

Why is retirement a good time to travel?

When you retire, you begin to think about various things to live this period of life as serenely as possible: it can be about preserving your health and well-being by doing medical check-ups and sports, or it can be about thinking about your future and anticipating with funeral insurance. But we have to be realistic, today at retirement age, a large majority of people are healthy, thanks to the constant improvement in medicine and increasing life expectancy.

And even if incomes drop, there is always a way to treat yourself to a few getaways and enjoy the pleasures of travel. First of all, when you have all the time in the world, you can leave at any time of the year. In this case, there is no need to go in the middle of the winter or summer season, when prices are highest. We are fortunate to be able to choose the off-peak periods, when we are fleeing the crowds of tourists and when we can take advantage of much more advantageous rates. There are many all-inclusive packages for seniors, organized trips where you can travel from city to country with guides.

Depending on your budget, some people head for faraway destinations and treat themselves to memorable experiences such as a trek in Nepal, a safari in Kenya or an adventure on board a van in the heart of Australia. But for smaller budgets, there are also many possibilities. You don't necessarily have to go to the end of the world to travel in retirement. You can also take advantage of this time of life to visit family all over France and treat yourself to cultural escapades in European capitals for a few days. There is plenty of time to think about the various ways to travel and to take stock of your budget. This is the real asset of retirement.

Travelling with peace of mind while preserving your health and anticipating the future

Regardless of the destination chosen or the formula chosen, being in shape is an asset. A trip can be demanding and requires good physical abilities, even more so when you decide to go off the beaten track. It's important to enjoy travel while you can physically do it. To do so, you should not hesitate to discuss your plans with your attending physician, who can offer complete examinations, take stock, reassure and encourage you to make your travel wishes come true. There are also different ways to protect yourself from possible incidents while travelling.

The travel insurance offered by agencies, banks or your car or home insurer is a good way to protect your health when you go abroad, i.e. to be able to consult a doctor or seek treatment without having to spend huge amounts of money, and even to consider repatriation if necessary. In order to be completely at peace during retirement, there is also the question of funeral funding. Financing his funeral while he was alive doesn't shock anyone anymore. On the contrary, it's a way of avoiding this burden on his loved ones. When family members live in different regions, this is even the best way to facilitate the practical organisation of the funeral. With all these cards in hand, it's up to everyone to get organized and make retirement the time of life that will allow you to realize the travel dreams you don't always have the opportunity to make when you're active. At 10, 1,000 or 10,000 km away, there is always something to see, to do, to learn.