Organize your stay Florence - Firenze

Money Money Florence - Firenze

The euro (€), which turns 20 in 2022, is the currency of Italy. The Italian currency before the euro was the lira.

Budget & Tips Budget & Tips Florence - Firenze

The cost of living is, for the same quality of service, virtually identical to that in France. The notion of "equal quality" is, of course, subjective, but, for example, you can never eat badly in a restaurant, even for less than €12(primi piatti), and even if Tuscany is one of the most expensive regions in Italy. Most of the budget is spent on accommodation. Youth hostels are few and far between, and in high season you'll soon be paying €75 or more for a double room. To reduce the cost of museum visits, the Firenze Card is a good option.

Low budget (€80/day): night in a youth hostel or simple hotel, pizza (€5 for the cheapest) at lunchtime and a good pasta dish in the evening (€8), a museum and a drink in the evening.

Medium budget (€130/day): night in a 2- or 3-star hotel, restaurant, museum and show.

Comfortable budget : there's no shortage of top-class restaurants and hotels in Florence.

Passport and visas Passport and visas Florence - Firenze

If you are a citizen of the European Union, no special formalities are required: valid identity card or passport.

Please note the entry requirements for your pets (up-to-date vaccinations, identification, European passport and certificate from attending veterinarian). Check with your airline before departure.

Driver's license Driver's license Florence - Firenze

A European driving license opens the doors to Tuscany's roads. If you have a serious problem on the road, call 800 116 800 (free 24-hour breakdown service).

Health Health Florence - Firenze

No particular health risks. As a general rule, living conditions and hygiene in Italy are equivalent to those in France, Belgium, Switzerland or Canada.

Security Security Florence - Firenze

Only pickpockets can be a danger in large Italian cities, mainly at major tourist sites. For the rest, nothing particular to report. And, unless you want to traffic with the mafia, there's not much to fear!

Time difference Time difference Florence - Firenze

Same time zone as France, Belgium and Switzerland. In March, we go forward one hour; in October, we go back one hour.

Spoken languages Spoken languages Florence - Firenze

Italian is spoken (of course!) in Tuscany. If you understand the language, expect to hear some Tuscan dialect. French is generally spoken in tourist areas, but, as everywhere else, English is the dominant language.

Communication Communication Florence - Firenze

Excellent telephone coverage. Wifi points in many bars and restaurants, train stations and airports.

Electricity and measurements Electricity and measurements Florence - Firenze

The Italian voltage is the same as in France, i.e. 220 volts. However, the sockets are sometimes different, with three holes (an adapter is required).

Luggage Luggage Florence - Firenze

Practical clothes for the day and visits - including a stole to cover yourself in churches. And, above all, good shoes! In summer, it is advisable to put a mosquito repellent in your bag.