Time difference California

There is a nine hour time difference with California and Nevada. Thus, when it is 5pm here, it is 8am there. The same is true in Arizona, except for two periods: from the beginning of January to the end of March and from the end of October to the end of December, when there is only an eight-hour difference. In Utah, expect an eight-hour time difference year-round.

Opening hours California

To see / To do California

Generally, museums, monuments and religious buildings close early, around 5 pm. It is also not uncommon for them to be open only a few days a week. Parks and natural sites are usually open 7 days a week, from sunrise to sunset - if not 24 hours a day. In any case, check the schedule online before planning your day.

Enjoying yourself California

In the United States, we dine early: it is rare to find restaurants open after 10 pm. Moreover, it is often necessary to make reservations.

Take a break California

Cafés and tearooms close quite early in the American West. Typically, they open in the morning until around 5 p.m., and lend themselves equally well to breakfast and snacks. As well as a few travelers with a book, they're mainly populated by digital nomads at work and groups of friends enjoying a moment of conviviality.

As for the bars, they close around midnight. Whatever the city, they are busiest from Thursday onwards.

(To) please yourself California

Usually, businesses are open every day from 9 a.m. to 6 or 7 p.m., or even 9 p.m. in shopping malls. Occasionally, businesses close one day a week, which varies from case to case - it could be Monday or Wednesday.

Get out California

Against all expectations, the American West is not particularly festive... Or, at least, in moderation. Thus, finding a club open after 2 am is an impossible mission, while house parties usually start very early and end around 1 am. Like the bars, the nightclubs usually come alive from Thursday onwards.

On the other hand, the cultural, concert and entertainment venues abound with events. Be sure to check the program of the establishments you are interested in before you come.