Organize your stay Netherlands

Money Money Netherlands

It's easy! The euro is the currency used in the Netherlands. The guilder (gulden in Dutch) has been replaced by the euro after 600 years of good and loyal service. Shopkeepers round up prices to the nearest 5 cents and the 1 and 2 cent coins are no longer used. This only applies to cash payments

Cash payments are less and less common and many shops refuse them!

Budget & Tips Budget & Tips Netherlands

The country can be experienced differently depending on your budget. You can limit the costs by staying in hostels and eating at fish stalls. If your budget is stretchy, more luxurious hotels and restaurants are available.

Prices charged by hotels can vary by as much as double depending on the time of year and the event being celebrated. For example, the prices soar around the national holiday on April 27. Hotel rooms are always more expensive on Fridays and Saturdays (except in hotels designed for congresses in the suburbs) and you have to book them online to get the best deals. If the prices in Amsterdam are too high, you can look in the suburbs or in other cities (Utrecht, Haarlem, The Hague and even Rotterdam) and modify your stay.

Taxes are always included in the price except for hotel nights where they are added to the price. These taxes differ from city to city.

There is no haggling in the Netherlands except during the big market on King's Day!

Passport and visas Passport and visas Netherlands

European residents visiting the Netherlands must travel with a passport or national identity card, even if it is less than five years old. Canadian residents must have a passport that is valid for three months after the intended period of stay.

Driver's license Driver's license Netherlands

It is possible to rent a vehicle with a valid license.

Health Health Netherlands

No particular risk for the country. The only danger for French tourists is the THC concentration of cannabis which has already surprised many. The medical system is curative and not preventive, here the notion of emergency is not the same as in France. Find out more before calling for help, the bill could be high!

Security Security Netherlands

The country is generally known for its safety. Some areas of the big cities may be a little more tense, but there are no lawless areas in the Netherlands.

Time difference Time difference Netherlands

No time difference! Here too, the debate about the application of summer and winter time is alive.

Spoken languages Spoken languages Netherlands

Dutch is the official language, but the Dutch are all fluent in English and some even speak French!

Communication Communication Netherlands

The country is perfectly covered, the network is stable and efficient. In some countryside, it will surely be slower than in big cities, but no white zone.

Electricity and measurements Electricity and measurements Netherlands

The standards for electricity, weights and measures are identical to those of France. The plugs and voltage are also similar. Please note that some shops and markets sometimes indicate a price per pound and not per kilo (notably Ekoplaza organic stores).

Luggage Luggage Netherlands

The Netherlands is close to France in every way: there is no need to plan differently than for a vacation in France... Even in the most remote corners, stores and equipment rental are designed as elsewhere. The weather is often changeable and we recommend the onion and underwear technique. Always take a swimsuit, in the Netherlands the water is never far away.