Time difference Kyrgyzstan

In universal time, Kyrgyzstan is located at GMT + 5, 4 hours ahead of Paris in summer and 5 hours in winter. Kyrgyzstan does not practice time change.

Opening hours Kyrgyzstan

To see / To do Kyrgyzstan

Museums and monuments open at 9 or 10 a.m. in season and generally close at 5 or 6 p.m., depending on the season. But as most of Kyrgyzstan's sights are natural sites, you won't really have to deal with scheduling problems. The only information that really matters is: what time does the sun set?

Enjoying yourself Kyrgyzstan

There are no real timetables: the restaurants run continuously all day long. Except in large hotels or very touristy areas, the establishments generally close their doors quite early, at 10 or 10.30 p.m. maximum.

Take a break Kyrgyzstan

Bishkek has many bars and cafés where students, expats and tourists meet. The phenomenon is found to a lesser extent in Osh and Karakol. But these establishments remain rare, and overall Kyrgyzstan is a country where one goes to bed early. Outside the big cities, one will often have to make do with a stand selling, in season, kumiss or bozo.

(To) please yourself Kyrgyzstan

Stores and shopping centers are generally open every day in urban centers and tourist areas. Small craftsmen also open the doors of their stores and workshops every day during the high tourist season, but may reduce their opening hours or days in winter. For shopping, the experience is often limited to Bishkek, which has a few small craft stores. In the rest of the country, you'll have to go directly to the craftsmen, or buy local products at the bazaar.

Get out Kyrgyzstan

In Bishkek, a number of nightclubs have sprung up in recent years, some of which have become regular haunts of the local golden youth. Others are more popular with expatriates and Russians. Choose your atmosphere! In any case, this will certainly be your only opportunity to get out and about before setting out to discover the country. There are a few bars and nightclubs in Osh and Karakol, but they're by no means Kyrgyzstan's best asset.

Apart from a few establishments in Bishkek, the cities fall asleep after 10pm.