Time difference Congo Brazzaville

The official time is GMT + 1. Below the equator, there are virtually no seasonal variations in sunshine: the sun rises at 6 a.m. and sets at around 6 p.m. all year round. If there's one country where the expression "the world belongs to those who get up early" takes on its full meaning, it's the Congo. Activities start early in the morning, at around 7:30 a.m., and the towns are empty by sunset. For example, schools open their doors at 7 a.m. to start classes at 7.30 a.m.

Opening hours Congo Brazzaville

To see / To do Congo Brazzaville

As far as the administration is concerned, even if on paper they are open for a few hours in the afternoon, in reality, it's better to undertake your important formalities in the morning. Nowadays, most businesses work all day, either in continuous shifts ending around 2pm, or with a long break between 12pm and 3pm. Most shops close between 6 and 7pm, although many small street stalls close much later. As for restaurants, many of them offer continuous service, sometimes as early as 8am and often well into the night.

Enjoying yourself Congo Brazzaville

Many restaurants offer round-the-clock service, sometimes as early as 8 am and often well into the night. Many establishments take Sundays off, especially in downtown Pointe-Noire.

Take a break Congo Brazzaville

Cafés are open early in the morning, from 6:30am, and all day long, usually until 8-10pm. Atmospheric bars open from 4pm-5pm until late at night. Some bars offer happy hours, especially in larger cities.

(To) please yourself Congo Brazzaville

Stores generally open around 9am and close at the end of the day, between 6pm and 7pm. Most are closed on Sundays. Craft markets are open all day, every day.

Get out Congo Brazzaville

In Brazzaville's Bacongo district, some discos open from mid-afternoon, especially at weekends, until the early hours of the morning. Otherwise, the rest of the discos generally open in the early evening.